This magnificent antique pool table melds dense construction with elegance and grace of design. The wooden sides are tastefully inlaid with colored mosaics and the iron legs are finished in gold and black. A leveling screw in the center of the feet create a perfectly balanced surface across the table. This 8-foot table from 1880 features ash burl with inlays of elm burl, mahogany and ebony. It also has rosewood rail tops and ivory sights.
Antique Pool Table
Ash Burl with Rosewood, Maple, Elm Burl, Tulipwood and Walnut inlays. Brazilian Rosewood rail tops and Ivory sights.
I purchased this Monarch in Cleveland Ohio from an elderly man who had had it in his basement game room nearly 40 years. Personally transporting it back to our shop in Dubois Wyoming we have since restored it to its 1880s condition. Note the exceptional Ash burl that this particular antique pool table has.
Circa 1880s.